Life goes on [en V.O 6]

Well, haven’t posted in a little while, have I ? I’ve reached a hundred posts, job done.

Not that easy. Anyway, I’m back !

Had last week and this week end a rough patch. My mood is rather fabulous, it is my health that is going off the rails quite badly, but I did warned you about it all, right ? So no tears or insane worries. It’s just the way it should be. I’m celebrating the brave and freaky sixth anniversary of the “I give you two weeks top” thing next month (yes, it is an actual anniversary of mine, I’m *that* creepy within myself) so once again, telling the story, but not complaining. Aside from pain. I complain a lot about pain, but if you never had a twisted ovary, then you don’t know how much this thing can just dry out everything, energy, will to fight, even strength to think. I have people I genuinely dislike a lot, or even, for some of them, hate, and even to them, I would not wish this thing for the world. No one deserves this.

During major pain crisis, I still wonder what the hell did I do wrong to deserve this. I’d give up for surgery in a second, dropping therefore all of my fears of not waking up and dying on an operating table. Which would be one hell of a loser’s death. I am sick and I carry on the consequences it can drag with it only during those moments. The rest of the time, I simply genuinely forget.

So, yeah, tough week. I think I’m back from it, once again, one more time, and I fight hard for it not to be the last one. I have a couple of tests to make in the foreseeable future, and I can’t and don’t expect them to be good. Where I am now, I’m just hoping for a not-too-bad issue.


Aside from that, I’m back on a writing mode. First time in months…Actually, first time since the storm has put one hell of a mess in my life.

vi, c'est toi la tempête. Pardis.

vi, c’est toi la tempête. Pardis.

Once more, I was planning on speaking about something, then I illustrate my thoughts with him and therefore screw up my own concentration, feel like someone has turned the heater on and if I keep on playing that game, at some point there will be shivers.

It’s been months, now, since I figured it all out, and it’s still having an effect on me that goes wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy beyond anything normal. And I don’t even play a freakin groupie game, nope, too old for that shit, no, it is th actual state of “this guy has so much talent we will NEVER have enough time in ONE LIFE to reach a tenth of it”. And the worst part of it being…That I did not went further into my treasure folder. Nope ! The only thing Benedict-related (aside from breathing, which seems to be very Ben related lately) I have done since London is Star Trek take 4. And for the fourth time, I was stunned, mind blown, and ended up the thing half alive, trying to convince myself that he is not fucking human to have such an indecent level of talent.

Tu l'as dit, patate.

Tu l’as dit, patate.

The thing is : I ALREADY KNOW THAT. So now I am in the absolutely thrilling moment where I have to decide where I am going next. And the mass of emotions, possible tears, and general body failure facing such a fantastic talent. It’s a wonder how my brain still works, after all, I spend my days being slapped in the head, a slap worth a coma.

On the human side of the subject though : look at that.

Incognito a Glasto. Et ça rime.

Incognito a Glasto. Et ça rime.


Moins incognito et toujours aussi fluffy aux Rolling Stones à Hyde Park. Fanboy, va.

Moins incognito et toujours aussi fluffy aux Rolling Stones à Hyde Park. Fanboy, va.

I totally adore those pictures because they are just illustrating my point. Despite that insane level of talent, he is so normal. No weird behaviour, no pretending to be someone he is not, no expressions of an oversized ego. He is so…Boy next door, it is extremely comforting, as a fan. I’m done with oversized egos and twats and people behaving like the world owe them something. Benedict is not perfect, and that’s what is making him so perfect for me. Plus, seriously, how cool does he looks like ? Seriously, look at him. You got to love him even more (if it was even possible, which I sort of doubt)

sisisisisisisi c'est le même mec. Il est fort, hein ?

sisisisisisisi c’est le même mec. Il est fort, hein ?


One day there’ll be a Ben-less post. I swear. My epitath, I suppose ? Not even, he’ll be somewhere on there too. He’s just something in my life that is both so logic and so exciting. Something I can really, blindly, rely on. A blessing.





You know, I have this crazy deadline, the one with crazy requirements in terms of signs number, and I was due to make a cut.

Well, I decided not to make a cut, but to rewrite a large part of it. So that’s why I’m awake at 4 with my current shaky health. I was with Matt and Melinda. I’m rewriting their story. And it is crazy. And absolutely extraordinary to do. It’s like I have learnt from their lives what I should not do, what need to get deleted, and how things needs to be rephrased. So, without changing their story, I just feel like I’m giving it the best impulse, not just a good one. And it is thrilling and exhilarating. And fantastic. I love it so much.

Un morceau de la nouvelle version.

Un morceau de la nouvelle version. 

See, things are going pretty well, after all. If we forget the fact that from tomorrow on, I won’t be able to see STID on my local cinema anymore.

And that sucks.

And that sucks