Diary entry, august 16th 2013

Strange, very strange summer. Its start was pretty badass, with London and Star Trek and Andrew and all, July was rather quiet, and August is fast and tough.

You may-or may not-have noticed that the last few posts were all about pesting and moaning and raging against fandoms of all sorts. Musers have lost it, the Benedict surroundings are being pretty fucked up too, and as for the latest addition to my very reduced list of beloved actors-Zachary Quinto-it has been quite bumpy and stupid too. And don’t get me started on White Lies fans…It is like fandoms feels the urge to misbehave at their own rythm and style, eventually. And it is really, really exhausting.

I am walking on a thin line, lately. For several reasons. My oh-so adorable mother has decided to fuck me up once again, wich is something I can fight and battle alone, but added to a whole lot of other things, I don’t fucking know. And my health is slowly but surely getting worst, feeding with stress a condition that didn’t needed that to be worrying already. So it is kinda hard to get my head out of the water on a persistent way. I’m taking things one day at a time, and figure things out like this. The past three months have all been stained with pain crisis and external manifestations of what is hitting me. More than it has in six years altogether. I knew it would happen, I would not get cured magically, but it does not make it less scary or less painful. A lot of things are going on inside of my head, and I can’t quite get it tidy and ordered.


I am lucky. The most important thing of my little world is being a fantastic addition to it, thing that I knew already, but he’s been a very good companion so far, and my love and faith into him is only growing stronger movie after movie. He’s possibly one of the funniest, most interesting human being, and I have been getting the feeling that he follows me lately, since I work a lot with the fantastic team of Cumberbatch France on several interviews, and drowning myself into it and laughing and adoring him even more line after line is quite a delicious feeling. Since I am surrounded by extraordinary fans, those with a strong head and a smart heart, things are going easily, smoothly, and I don’t really care, personaly, about the dramas and all. I am with the best bunch of fans ever and it is a bliss to evolve and get to know him without the constant fandom parasite. And even when he’s not making the smartest of choices, I don’t really care. I’m mentally shaking him a little before running back towards him and digging more and more his talent. He is this year’s gift, and if things goes well, he’s my decade’s treasure.


Yes. Finally. I had left my blissful discover of his talent away for a few weeks, but I came back to it last week, and I’m going for something like one per week. And last week was Hawking.

Why am I going so slowly ? Well. Let’s just say that I am often left speechless and moved and facing an ocean of emotions, and it is not that easy to handle. That is why he is *that* important. Not anyone can do that. Actually, no one else can go this far into the feeling process.

So, yeah, Hawking. Even if I was a bit lost with an edit that was, in my opinion, a bit rough, Benedict was beyond fantastic, but it can’t be a surprise, not anymore, can it ? I don’t know what I’ve loved the most. Probably his way of showing that beyond his condition, Hawking was and still is one hell of a brillant mind, and you can almost guess the storm in Ben’s eyes. Actors are usually liars, they are paid to make you believe they are someone they aren’t, but Benedict is one of the only actors who are not lying. He is absolutely into the character, and that’s when the magic happens. And with him, magic always happens. That’s why it is so great to have him around. He’s a constant surprise, a permanent delight. His talent is not only a matter of work, intelligence and luck. It is an actual gift.

I have watched War Horse too. Well, the movie was a bit dull, nothing quite unexpecte or surprising in there, and clearly, 15 minutes of Ben are not enough for me. It was a nice movie, but not one that will left me shaking and breathless. Spielberg should have used him more than just the few sequences shown, and I was clearly pissed we never knew how the character ended. Prisoner ? Killed ? No idea. Not without taking a little bit the piss, I heard myself saying “well, he should have given to him the horse’s part”. He would probably have made a better horse than the horse himself


Well…that is one other side of the story of this month, and it is not the best part, to say the least. White Lies.

Big TV is five days old now, and half of it is genius (first half). The second one is a bit…Meh. I will probably get into it later on, but as of now, it is like the album is a six track EP since I have those six tracks on repeat since monday.

As expected, the charts are tragic out there. 211 for the deluxe edition and 294 for the regular on itunes. There was one only interview on Obskure, and that’s it. But I don’t worry anymore. France never made a difference, and it is not going to start now. They don’t do anything to help, mind.

Things would go quite easily if I did not thought that they are turning into a stubborn bunch of spoilt idiots. What happens on twitter lately is pointless and give me the feeling that they don’t give a flying fuck to people, like, true people. Fans. And it’s not even the feeling of being royally ignored here (and not having one single reaction when you tweet them their face on the front cover of a french magazine is quite ironic), there is also a matter of them fucking up the oldest fans. They encouraged people to beg for a follow, tonight. I just feel like they need to grow up and mature a little bit, and I am bittersweet because I know it is just a matter of years and settle down. I’ll just be patient, and hope that the fandom is not going to go more off the rails that it already does.

16 Zachary Quinto picture

Yes, yes, yes. This is Zachary Quinto, latest and very proud addition to my own top three of the best actors ever. Providing Ben is out of the top three since he is a living miracle, Zach is on his way to reach the highest position. He is ridiculously good.

I mean, he and me were not really meant to be friends, but thanks to Benedict, I’ve seen Star Trek, and noticed that he is one hell of a Spock. So, we’ve been catching back on his carreer, and the least I can say is that he is amazing, both as an actor and as producer.

No need to come back on AhS, the long article earlier this months betrays me on the subject. As Oliver Thredson, he is absolutely fantastic.

We got him on short movies here and there, sometimes as a comedy role, sometimes not, but he is always great.

We’ve started Heroes too. Sylar is one hell of a villain, he’s bloody scary. I love how he can go from being a good idiot to a bad smartass in a second.


And we’ve seen Margin Call, his first actual movie as a producer, which was one terrible yet perfect experience as a watcher. Story how about traders fuck this world up, with some of the best actors ever in there (Kevin Spacey, Jeremy Irons, Paul Bettany, etc…) I just could not advice people enough to watch it. An incredible movie.

It is nice, and I like the character too. He’s a charity man, like, he does a lot for the gay cause and for animals too, he is pretty sweet and fun, and he is very straightforward and honest, which is rare. Plus his instagram account is the nicest collection of daily captures I’ve seen in a long time. It is a delight. The pretty cherry on top of my very Benedict cake.

See, as ever, things are floating, sometimes on troubled waters, sometimes not, but the one thing I am sure of is that I keep fighting really hard to make sure things are going the right way. Well, maybe not the right way, but one way anyway. And it’ll be the right one, eventually, because I don’t have that much of a choice.

[20 things learnt in 4 days]

  1. Ecrire est la plus grosse somme de toutes mes peurs et de toutes mes angoisses que je réussirai jamais à rassembler. Tenter d’être publiée est pratiquement du suicide. Je le vis comme ça.
  2. Ca ne m’empêche pas de perséverer comme une espèce de démente.
  3. Je suis toujours très en colère à cause de Mars. Plus que je l’ai jamais admis.
  4. Par soucis de toujours défendre ma position de bonne cops, je cache neuf fois sur dix la réelle source de ce qui me fait si mal.
  5. Je suis arrivée à la conclusion forcée que je suis faite de structure sociale cent pour cent transparente.
  6. Il y a quelque chose dans mon poumon droit qui rend chacune de mes respirations courte et infiniment douloureuse. S’pourrais que les efforts que ma chère mère a mis dans ma propre destruction aient portés leurs fruits. Littéralement.
  7. Je suis morte de peur.
  8. Les gens mentent, trompent, trahissent, et dans leur troublante majorité, font croire à des choses qui n’ont jamais été vraies de quelque façon que ce soit. Et il faut être complètement imbécile pour y croire encore.
  9. Je suis complètement imbécile.
  10. Les nouvelles de White Lies sont prometteuses. Ca fait du bien.
  11. Je reste très fâchée de leur comportement un chouilla élitiste qui nous a un peu privé de cette exclu au profit d’un festoche perdu en Pologne. Tant pis.
  12. Muse me manque.
  13. Beaucoup.
  14. Je vais supprimer dans un futur proche mon compte twitter. Peut être pour ma purge de données annuelle. Peut être parce que j’ai envie de planter twitter. Peut être parce que je vais refaire un compte. Peut être pas.
  15. Mon éditeur, qui me bouffe déjà près de 80% de mon boulot, m’a avalé près de soixante euros de droits d’auteur. C’est pas comme si je me faisais pas entuber à la base.
  16. La vodka Skittles, c’est fun à faire.
  17. Regarder l’Eurovision me fait toujours autant marrer.
  18. Il existe des vrais gens pour lesquels connaître le détail de la vie privée de B. est d’importance majeure. Ou pourquoi il porte un bracelet. Ou la couleur de sa brosse à dents. Hmmkay.
  19. Gros Con ® est de retour. Et avec, son hypocrisie légendaire, son absence de talent whatsoever et sa mythomanie destructive. Je songe à faire envoyer un chat crevé. Faut d’abord que je trouve un chat. Crevé.
  20. Ma mère possède une boutique à mon nom. Ma mère a “oublié” de déclarer dix ans d’URSSAF. La boutique doit 150 000 euros aux URSSAF. Je vous fais le dessin de l’abrutie finie manipulée jusqu’à la gueule qui se retrouve avec une dose surréaliste de stress ? Yep. Moi. Finalement, l’option truc dans mon poumon droit me semble fabuleusement excitante à côté.


Je vais laisser le mot de la fin à B., Lexomil humain de son état.
