Twinkle, Twinkle.


(I know, I have been away for a few weeks, but hey, life sometimes rocks, sometimes sucks, and I was out of words for a few days. Writer out of words. What an irony…)

Just a little, quick post to express here a feeling I haven’t taste for a while. Pure, golden excitment. Shivers down your spine with anticipation and joy,  a dream coming true filling your mind with colorful images and sentiments even bigger than anything you are in the current mood to feel. Important people about to get a little more real.

You know him, right ? The guy up there. He’s been a bit naughty lately, not always doing the right choices and sometimes missing his own point. Wikileaks has launched an entertaining guerilla against The Fifth Estate, and his interview to the guardian has led to a massive backlash. But it’s him, and he wouldn’t be him if he was skilled on the communication level. His mistakes and messy steps are touching to witness, because they are those of an extremely talented man who’s going to rise up to the highest levels in a short time. And I love him enough to be able to sometimes criticise, sometime even mock a little, but I never, ever get away from this overwhelming feeling I have whenever he’s there, doing his job, turning into all of those extraordinary characters. I love him a strange lot.

Tonight’s big, big rumor, and it is something I have read a while ago, sometimes his words, sometimes those of others, is that he might be playing Hamlet on the West End in late 2014.

Hamlet is the one play I’d die to see, no matter who is cast. But this…This is a whole other thing. This is Benedict. Live. On stage. For real.

I guess that I’m not going to be the loudest at expressing my state of happiness if this happens. I won’t spam my twitter feed-no more than the four ecstatic tweets sent so far. I won’t tell the whole world and bother them with this, I won’t feel forced to create a tumblr and post daily about my insane impatience. I won’t say that I am the happiest and that no one will ever feel the same way or understand and that no one will deserve this more than I do. I don’t care about my position as a fan regarding to the others, I could not care less. I’m not entering a contest to determine who’s the best and who’s not.

But I am insanely, hugely happy. I so am. It just feels like my brain has been disconnected for a little while, and I’m, like, floating in a state of bliss. It is not confirmed yet, I know that. But it looks really close. Close enough to fill me with joy.

There won’t be girly high pitched scream, or chase after him to get a damn show-off style pictures. I’d just consider myself the luckiest girl in the world to sit there and witness a miracle-because quite frankly, that’s what he is as an actor.

I haven’t felt this excited by something for a while, and this man can’t dissapoint me as long as he’s doing his job. So I can safely say that this will blow my mind. And it is worth the struggle, the fights, the moment of despair-and I’ve had my fair share of those lately-and all the little lost battles. It is worth it for this. For moments like that.

I can see myself crossing the channel in order to get to this. I can picture the joy, I can almost smell it from here. And holy fuck, it is beautiful already.

Please, please, please, Ben. Just. Do. It. We all have blind faith in you.

Me first.