White Lies – Getting Even

Biggest pains are often silent ones.
A year and a half without them was painful.
So very painful.

Welcome back, guys. This song is the actual proof that you’re the one never dissapointing me. I can get so mad at you, but you still are the best ones.

I love you lot so much. I look forward to see you again, I crave for Charles words, for Tommy’s hugs, for Harry’s laugh, for Rob’s smile…But the one I miss the most is, remains and will stay forever my mushroom, the man with a haircut that comes from 1970. The sweetest, nicest, most adorable drummer ever. Jack, indeed.

I can’t quite believe we’re going to be together back again so very soon. Five months looks like nothing, providing I have been deprived of your essential strength and music for a year and a half already.

Funny enough that the two things I miss the most have been missing for a year and a half and will be back the same month (please, not December 1st !!)…

I have missed you, guys. I have pretended and faked and lied, and worst of all, lied to myself. Knowing you are there, just around the corner, is such a powerful thing. Such a fuel to keep moving on, through good and bad days. I just want to kick the second half of the year in the ass, and be there already. My heart melts by the single thought of being in the same city. Let alone venue.

By Friday, we’ll have your names on a gig ticket back again. You don’t know, you have no idea what it means. Counting down the days will be painful indeed, but one day more will be one day less. Friends, fun, good times, laughs, dreams and…Bloody cold queues are on their way. Freezing in the fucking parisian cold won’t be a chore. I’ll complain, but I know how lucky we are.

I’m proud of the work with White Lies France so far. I’m proud I’ve pulled it trough the deceiving days, through the dissapointing moments, I’m proud we’re still there, doing our job, gathering people, one at a time, but I’m not going to give it up.

I love you all so much, guys. So much.

It’s so good to see your pretty faces back again everywhere.

Big TV is going to be a monster, I can tell. I know. Gut feeling. Heart one. Soul one.

I missed you so fucking much. Even listening to you was painful for months and months and months. Now it is what I love the most, back again. You’ve beaten quite a lot of big ones, and yet you’re still there, brighter and better than you’ve ever been.

Oh god, it’s good. It is SO good.