[en V.O 4]

Right, world. I appear to be able to write only in the middle of the night, which is both unsurprising and very strange. But then again, I wrote a whole 700 pages long novel in two months night’s time. I suppose I am some kind of a night owl. Without the feathers. So, 4.48 am.

Guess what I’m listening to. I have There Goes Our Love Again on repeat for 24 hours. I shall switch onto Giacchino’s latest masterpiece soon, just to get into the mood.


I’m having Harry’s voice flooding my brain, and Benedict’s alien-ish, very Khan expression almost monitoring me on my background as I write this. I am going from the global White Lies universe to my little Cumberbatched planet, back and forth endlessly, and it’s absolutely exhilarating. Maybe the key is there, aiming for two “fandoms” (dooooon’t get me starting) that have absolutely nothing in common (aside from London, maybe) and to find a balance between the two of them. And I’m very happy with this scheme. I adore it that way.


Getting back this band is such a treat. I’ve been going through so many dissapointments, in so many levels lately, all around bands and their shenanigans, that having them back so powerful and so strong is a huge relief. A real crazy sighing towards the future and the trust and faith I’ve always had into them, that I may just have burried on the way, or forgotten a little bit. I’m already creating new memories with them, slowly deleting the pain surrounding the most recent ones, and having now a blurry overall vision of what was linked to the last tour.

I’m astonished at how I am making my own heart healing faster just by constantly moving forward. I don’t and won’t say that it is easy, cause it is a terrible day-to-day fight, and I have my weak moments, but I’m having my head out of the water now, and I keep it strongly as such. And that was anything but a fight won in advance. I was aiming for a complete drowning, and I did drowned a few times. Strangely enough if people were to ask me how I cured and am curing my broken heart, I would not be able to reply. I have no fucking idea how I did that. And how I am doing it. I suppose that I worked out the hatred I had, and got rid of it as fast as I could, because this feeling is not “me” at all. I’m a very bad hate spreading person. It’s a bad feeling. One that ruins this world. I’m having perfectly steady relations with my ex now. I don’t know if the feeling got killed, I’m just not checking out my brain’s archives to see if…Because if there was actually something out there, hidden, putting my hands on it would most probably kill me at all. And thanks, I love life way too much to do such thing. I got rid of all of my demons without any medical trick or chemical help, and I’m too proud of it to fall back for the slightest thing that would damage me more.

I can’t quite believe how far I’ve come. How many stupid shit I’ve been able to throw away. I’m strong, now. Even in my weakest days, I’m still pretty strong. I may not know where I am going, and when I will end up there, but I’m enjoying the treasures on the path.

I’m so positive lately, I’m almost annoying myself.

Anyway…Ohhh guess what I’m doing tonight !

That’s correct. Has my 5063 words review (the longuest article on that blog, ever) given you a definite clue ? I am indeed going to see Star Trek Into Darkness for the third time, and this one has a significant difference. It is in english. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love the french one, it is extremely well made and all, and even Benedict’s french voice is actually decent, but hell, nothing, ever, will match the intensity of my british gem quite like what he is capable of doing all by himself. With what could be the most amazing voice ever. His, indeed. And I’m building up a relationship with his voice too, as in an almost separated dimension than with the rest of him, since I have discovered this week that England does radio shows too. And pretty good ones.




I don’t want to have any of those four in the same plane as me. Ever. For nothing.

This is something so terribly british, but then again, they have the BBC which is a paradise for anything that can come into the serie form. And they have radio shows. Something I thought existed only in the past century, and the earliest times of it. But it appears that I was wrong. So, ladies and gentlemen, can I introduce you to the funniest thing I have ever heard from the BBC ? Cabin Pressure. Which, as the name kinda give away, is about a bunch of “professionals” supposed to make plane fly, land and take off. Supposed. Within the first episode (and the actual tears of laughter running down my face), you pretty much figured out all by yourself that there aren’t people less able to handle a plane than those four. Benedict plays the most annoying captain that has ever put his hands on a fucking plane (and had to pass his licence seven bloody times), but he is absolutely hilarious. And so are they all. I’m playing with my own fear of flying (wink wink) and have loved this thing so far. I just need to laugh a little less louder, or I’ll be in trouble with my neighbours.

It acts as a total newest discovery of what he is capable of doing, and I would never have bet on such a natural comic talent. But I think that I’m never, like, ever, going to be not surprised by each new things he is willing to bring me to. It’s kind of like being stepping into a whooooole new world, with different rules and different ways of doing things, and each new thing I discover through him is going to be pure and absolute bliss.

So, yeah, Star Trek in english. I so look forward to it. I’ve been counting down hours since I let go of a scream of joy when I figured out that I’d be able to have it in english, about four days ago. I feel lucky. And this one is pretty much almost only for Benedict, since I really don’t care about whether Chris or Zach’s voices are correctly dubbed…

Oh, see, last week, prior to the release of the movie, they were still Quinto and Pine, and I could not care less about them. Now they are Zach and Chris. They won over the movie, and I did fell in love with their characters. I even watched the first one, and loved it to bits too. A little less than Into Darkness, but then again, there is Benedict into this one, and that is one hell of a decisive thing. But, yeah. Actually, Chris had been a pretty good surprise for me when I watched the Graham Norton a month and a half ago (for Benedict indeed) and I realised he was a pretty cool guy. The real surprise is Zachary. He’s one hell of a sweet guy, and one that is engaged into all of the fights that are close to my heart.

So yeah. Can’t wait till tonight, and I know that I’m going to get once again slapped violently in the face by Benedict. I know he is using his voice to make Khan more scary and threatening, and I can not wait to experience it. 7.10 pm tonight.


This week end is the great big stadiums shows week end. On my left, Muse is playing both times at le Stade de France, and on my right, The Killers are playing at Wembley Stadium. I’m excited for the people coming, I hope the setlists are going to rock their socks off, but I am so not concerned personnaly that it is almost scary to think about the time I was, actually, one of the most concerned. It seems like I’m watching their week end as it will happen, and as I know it will since I know how it works, like an emotion less version of my own experience back in 2010. Strange, innit ? That’s for Muse indeed. Cause The Killers, I don’t really give a damn to it. I’m not past the anger and the dissapointments yet, I will, but not now. Not today and not in those conditions. Actually, if I had to chose one absolutely, I’d go for Muse without a doubt. But I’m not really sure if I want it or not. And I think I need to want it to enjoy it to the full. I just hope that everyone going, whether it is london or paris, will have the time of their lives.


Am I missing Muse ?

I think that it is a subject that deserves a whole article just for it. The answer is probably yes.


I’m fine. I really am having a pretty good time, but I have hints telling me that I shall enjoy it while it lasts, because there is one massive dark cloud just circling my horizon. I don’t really want to sound alarming or anything, but I’ve had for a week now several body warnings, and one that, I’m afraid, will lead to some pretty bad news. It’ll be all cleared out next months, cause I really, really don’t want to spoil the precious few days ahead, and I kind of have the gut feeling that this time, it won’t be nice and easy. I can be wrong, I may be wrong, I hope to be wrong more than anything. I have to be wrong. I’ll be just fine, within days it’ll be gone and I’ll be playing that russian roulette game once again. It has to. I just wonder, if it is not ok, about how I’ll handle it, and it is a little thought in the back of my mind, just wandering around from time to time and reminding me of something I really want to forget. Can I postpone fear ? Is it something, like a flight, I can delay ? I shall try, at least for a few more days. Early july will come early enough.

Don’t worry for me, I’m fine. There is nothing out there I’m not able to live through and fight. I’ve done so much already, I’m ready for anything. Life is incredibly amazing, with its highs and lows, and I’ve learnt to appreciate so much the good thanks to the bad. I can’t complain, that makes out of me someone so bloody powerful. And that definetely turns my good into even better.