Looking a little bit further [en VO 5]

On June 12th, when I was there, sat at the Subway across the road, just in front of the cinema, one hand on my ticket, one eye on the poster with the evil dude no one would recognize but that my heart was already attached to, I was excited to see my beloved favorite actor of all times on a big screen, finally. I really could not care less about the actual film, let alone the actors.

On June 16th, when I get back to do it all over again, it was for the film in general, Benedict’s performance being the added touch that just smashed the whole thing.

On June 20th, I was already considering getting to know a little bit more the two others actors in there that caught my attention, somehow, despite being lost cases to my eyes. Lost cases are probably meant to be found.



What is the first thing you notice about those two ? They’re handsome, right ? They both give a life to two of the most famous characters of SciFi of all times, and they got it right. They both are americans. They both are famous, and you don’t even precisely know why. Just because they are.

Zachary Quinto isn’t a case as tricky as Chris is. He’s gay, openly gay, he is free and makes his own choices, that, often, are surprising and challenging. He is known now as an American Horror Story thing, as Spock, as a dog lover, as a cutie pie, as a meanie in Heroes. Pretty various, eh ?

As for Chris, and this is where I’m heading to, well, it’s a whole other matter.

I mean look at him. Look. At. Him.



Last time hollywood brought us something this bloody perfect, his name was Brad Pitt and women all around the world were losing it. Chris is the most handsome, charming, gorgeous man we’ve seen in a while. In a very cold way, he is just made out of Jupiter’s thights.

And I would not dare to say that he does not make my heterosexuality kicking in. He is eye candy as its best. Looking at him only is a sensual ravishment.

But you know me. Beauty is this world’s biggest and saddest form of boredom, and I’d get bored of Chris if there was not something else.

I mean, don’t take me wrong. To the best, he’d reach the leading role of my actor’s top ten of all times. Yes, leading. And that’s because Benedict will never, ever have such a place on such a top ten. Or twenty. Ot three.


Benedict is from another universe, his effect on me is a hundred thousand times better and bigger than all of this planet’s actors put together. He is not my favorite actor, he is my favorite human being altogether, and he is an inspiration on so many levels I don’t think I will ever quite reach half of it. Ever. He is not important, he is essential. Breathing is essential, sleeping is essential, there, Benedict is essential. He is the freaking light at the end of the tunnel, and I will never, ever say enough how grateful I am to count this incredible man as my idol. Never. It would take billions of blog pages to do so, and in every single language this world has ever spoken.

Nevertheless, I like to check out new things, and to extend what he eventually brought to me to a level where the link between both things is so tight it is becoming impossible to tell. And unlike the B. stamped things that will always drag me to endless feels and thoughts and emotions and to a sort of sensitive overdose, I enjoy watching innocent things. Just for the pleasure of having stories told to me, stories I know won’t find an echo deep down inside of me. And I have been so, so moved by “that scene” in Star Trek Into Darkness that I wanted to know more of this young handsome man.

And I did. Not that he’s done much, though, but he’s done quite some things that I was curious at. Couple of movies. One that is a light hearted romantic comedy, and one that clearly was a drama without added violins, and very sensitive one too.

There is one thing that you are forced to notice, it’s that, so far, directors, and even my beloved JJ, are using him in the same range of characters. I mean, James Kirk is pretty, stubborn, talented and somehow gifted with a luck in saving his (cute) ass off crazy situations. And he is pretty much always used like that, pretty smartass not respecting much of the rules and suddenly meeting the definition of what a human feeling is.


I disagree. Hugely. And I’m growing frustrated because I actually feel that there is a whole lot more to catch with this young man, and I am growing one hundred percent sure that a great actor lies beneath. And it is sad that hollywood has already overused his looks rather than questioning his talent, which is what I am now doing. I’m not questioning it, mind. I’m affirming it. I have sensed things here and there that makes me pretty sure of what I’m saying. And as much as I love sometimes to reduce Benedict into the most beautiful thing I have ever seen because his talent is blinding, I now chose to turn Chris Pine into something I will have faith in because there is so much more to look through him than just his perfect body and face.

And I am sure I won’t be dissapointed. He will soon be a better actor than he looks like. I’m just calling to any director that is not shy or afraid to challenge people to give him a dirty, disturbing role, and to let him just play with it. I hope it’s going to happen really soon.

In the meantime, I’ll enjoy my captain Kirk and my Mr. Spock on big screen a couple of times more. Or so.

Oh and Khan. Indeed.